Experience the value of in-person buying at Las Vegas Market’s temporaries. These exhibits bring together both established and emerging brands, offering you the unique opportunity to see, touch, and evaluate products firsthand—something online sourcing simply can’t match.
Explore more than 450 resources in the Gift and Home Temporaries, organized into six targeted sections for an efficient buying experience in a tradeshow format.
A juried collection of handcrafted designs, featuring fair-trade products, tabletop items, décor, jewelry, and apparel—each piece with its own unique story.
A juried showcase of high-end luxury goods, from premium gifts to sophisticated home furnishings and décor.
A cash and carry section with vintage items, antiques, jewelry, accessories, gift items and more, all ready for immediate purchase.
The Greeting Card Associations' *Noted Expo will be held alongside the Gift and Home Temporaries during the Summer 2025 Las Vegas Market. Featuring over 50 GCA member brands showcasing the finest card design, the area will include networking space and unique activations to foster connections and promote collaboration among industry professionals.
Visit the Furniture Temporaries on Floor 6 in Building B, where you’ll find a selection of home furnishings including case goods, dining, upholstery and décor.